Strategic Product Planning for Treasury and Cash Management

Executive Summary

  • Cash management and treasury service (CMTS) is a vital function for banks and their corporate clients, as it involves managing funding, liquidity, and financial risks. 

  • CMTS faces various challenges due to market volatility, technological developments, regulatory changes, and customer expectations. 

  • Strategic product management (SPM) is a discipline that helps to align the CMTS with the bank's vision, mission, and goals, and to deliver value to the customers and the stakeholders. 

  • SPM involves defining the product vision, strategy, roadmap, and lifecycle, as well as conducting market research, customer segmentation, value proposition, pricing, and distribution. 

  • SPM also involves managing the product development, launch, and enhancement, as well as measuring the product performance, feedback, and satisfaction. 

  • SPM can help to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities in the CMTS market, by creating innovative, competitive, and profitable solutions. 


  • Increasing complexity and volatility in the financial markets, which require more sophisticated and dynamic risk management and liquidity planning. 

  • Rapid technological changes and innovations, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and open banking, which create new possibilities and threats for CMTS. 

  • Changing regulatory environment and compliance requirements, such as Basel III, EMIR, MiFID, FATCA, and PSD2, which impose higher standards and costs for CMTS. 

  • Shifting customer preferences and expectations, such as demand for real-time, seamless, secure, and customized CMTS solutions, as well as greater transparency and value for money. 

  • Intense competition and disruption from traditional and new players, such as fintechs, big techs, and platform businesses, which offer alternative and attractive CMTS solutions. 

Sample Roadmap

SPM helps to create and execute a product roadmap that aligns with the business objectives, customer needs, and market trends, by using market research, customer feedback, and competitive analysis, and by prioritizing and validating the product features and requirements. 


  • SPM helps to create a clear and compelling product vision, strategy, and roadmap, that aligns with the bank's overall vision, mission, and goals, and that guides the product development and delivery. 

  • SPM helps to understand the market trends, opportunities, and threats, as well as the customer needs, pain points, and expectations, by conducting market research, customer segmentation, and competitive analysis. 

  • SPM helps to design and deliver value propositions that differentiate the CMTS from the competitors, and that address the customer problems and desires, by using tools such as value proposition canvas and lean canvas. 

  • SPM helps to determine the optimal pricing and distribution strategies for the CMTS, that reflect the value delivered, the customer willingness to pay, and the market conditions, by using tools such as pricing matrix and channel map. 

  • SPM helps to manage the product development, launch, and enhancement, by using agile and lean methodologies, and by collaborating with cross-functional teams, such as IT, sales, marketing, and operations. 

  • SPM helps to measure and improve the product performance, feedback, and satisfaction, by using key performance indicators, metrics, and analytics, and by soliciting and acting on customer feedback. 

Why Seamus Birch Solutions

  • Seamus Birch Solutions is a leading consultancy firm that specializes in SPM of CMTS for banks and financial institutions. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a team of experienced and qualified professionals, who have deep knowledge and expertise in CMTS and SPM. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a proven track record of delivering successful SPM projects for CMTS, with tangible and measurable results, such as increased revenue, market share, customer loyalty, and innovation. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a customer-centric and value-driven approach, that focuses on understanding and solving the customer problems and creating value for the customers and the stakeholders. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a flexible and adaptable methodology, that can be tailored to the specific needs and objectives of each client and project. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions offers a comprehensive and integrated service, that covers all aspects of SPM, from strategy to execution, and from ideation to evaluation.