Privacy policy


Instantiation of any of the ideas presented here requires analysis of the appropriateness and fit for the specific situation coupled with the right execution planning and governance, none of which can be provided by static text. 

Privacy Policy

It is my policy to respect the privacy of any person/s accessing this website. Information that I collect is only used for determining the performance of the content of this site itself and will not be provided to third-parties not involved with the provision of this website.

Several third-party services are used in the provision of this website, these services may collect and store information about their users in part to ensure proper function of their services. This is often done through the use of cookies, please be advised that declining the use of cookies on this website may impact its functionality. The various services utilised, and their respective privacy policies are as follows.

  • This website is hosted for me by SQUARESPACE, their privacy policy can be found here.

  • I use Google Analytics to monitor the performance of my content., Google's privacy policy can be found here.

From time to time changes to this privacy policy may be required. Such changes will be made at my sole discretion. Please regularly review this policy to ensure that you are happy to continue to use this website. Continued use of this website implies that you accept the policy as it was worded at the time you used it.