How to simplify your technology ecosystem and unlock value

Executive Summary

  • Your organization is facing a complex and costly application portfolio that hinders your agility, quality, and innovation.

  • We propose a proven approach to rationalize your application landscape, reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO), and enable faster time to market and higher IT innovation.

  • We have successfully helped leading organizations like Deutsche Bank and Scotiabank to simplify their technology estate and achieve significant benefits.

  • We will partner with you to diagnose your current situation, segment and sequence your applications for rationalization, set up an accelerated transformation program, and capture the value from simplification.

  • We will also help you build the capabilities and governance to sustain the simplification and ensure alignment with your business and IT strategy.

The Challenge

  • You have a historically grown application portfolio of thousands of applications, with many duplications, overlaps, and redundancies.

  • You spend a large portion of your IT budget on maintaining and supporting these applications, leaving little room for innovation and new development.

  • You face long time to market, low reliability, high risk, and low user satisfaction due to the complexity and fragmentation of your application landscape.

  • You lack a clear and consistent enterprise architecture and governance to guide your application rationalization and ensure alignment with your business and IT strategy.

Why us?

  • We have a proven track record of delivering successful application rationalization programs for leading organizations across industries and geographies.

  • We have a deep expertise and experience in enterprise architecture and technology simplification.

  • We have a unique and proprietary set of tools, frameworks, and methodologies to support the rationalization process and ensure value capture.

  • We have a collaborative and partnership-based approach, working closely with your business and IT teams, and transferring knowledge and capabilities along the way.

  • We have a strong commitment and passion to help you achieve your strategic goals and vision.

The Benefits

  • By rationalizing your application portfolio, you can achieve significant benefits in terms of agility, quality, and cost.

  • You can reduce your TCO by 30-50%, by decommissioning, consolidating, or re-architecting your applications.

  • You can improve your quality and reliability by up to 100%, by reducing errors, outages, and risks, and enhancing user satisfaction and trust.

  • You can increase your IT innovation by up to 100%, by freeing up resources, budget, and capacity for new development and value creation.