High Performance Engineer Development

The Prime Mover of Innovation and Transformation 

Executive Summary

  • Companies in the financial sector face increasing challenges in attracting and retaining high performance engineering staff, who are essential for delivering innovation and transformation in a digital age. 

  • Lack of high performance engineers leads to low quality software products, inefficient and costly internal technology departments, and missed opportunities for strategic advantage. 

  • Developing high performance engineers internally is a proven way to overcome these challenges and create a culture of engineering excellence. 

  • High performance engineers are not only technical experts, but also strategic thinkers, problem solvers, influencers, and leaders. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has pioneered technologist talent development in the financial industry for over a decade, working with leading banks and institutions. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a proven methodology for defining, developing, and recognising high performance engineers, based on a competency model, a career path, and a training and coaching program. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has created a network of distinguished engineers, who are the highest level of high performance engineers, and who can provide guidance, mentorship, and best practices to aspiring technologists. 

  • By hiring Seamus Birch Solutions, you will benefit from a tailored and flexible approach, a dedicated and skilled team, and a track record of successful delivery. 

  • By investing in a high performance engineer development program, you will enhance your competitiveness, innovation, and profitability in the long term. 


  • High performance engineers are in high demand and short supply in the financial sector, as the strategic importance of digital channels, cloud-based architectures, DevOps pipelines, and emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, and data analytics increases. 

  • Many organisations rely on external vendors, contractors, or consultants to provide technical solutions, which reduces their control, flexibility, and ownership of their technology assets. 

  • Many organisations have a fragmented and siloed technology landscape, with legacy systems, incompatible platforms, and duplicated functionalities. 

  • Many organisations have a low level of technical maturity, with poor software engineering practices, inadequate testing and quality assurance, and slow and risky deployment processes. 

  • Many organisations have a culture of technical mediocrity, with low levels of motivation, engagement, and retention among their technologists, and a lack of recognition and reward for technical excellence. 

  • Many organisations have a gap between their business and technology functions, with poor communication, alignment, and collaboration. 

  • Many organisations have a reactive and short-term approach to technology, with limited strategic vision, innovation, and differentiation. 

  • Many organisations have a high cost and low value of technology, with inefficient use of resources, high maintenance and support costs, and low return on investment. 

Why us?

Seamus Birch Solutions is a high performance engineer coach and consultancy firm, specialising in the financial sector. 

Seamus Birch Solutions has a proven methodology for implementing a high performance engineer development program, based on our framework, which includes: 

  • A technology career path, with clear roles and expectations for each level of technical expertise and impact. 

  • A technologist competency model, with specific criteria and indicators for each level of technical proficiency and contribution. 

  • A training and coaching program, with customised and targeted interventions to develop the skills and behaviours of high performance engineers. 

  • A recognition and reward program, with formal and informal mechanisms to acknowledge and appreciate the achievements and value of high performance engineers. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a flexible and tailored approach, which can adapt to the specific needs, context, and goals of your organisation. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a dedicated and skilled team, with a mix of technical, business, and organisational development expertise, and a wealth of experience in the financial sector. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions has a track record of successful delivery, with satisfied clients and positive outcomes in terms of technical performance, business value, and cultural change. 

The Opportunity

  • High performance engineers are technical specialists who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in their field and have a deep knowledge and expertise in one or more areas of technology. 

  • High performance engineers are also strategic contributors who can shape business decisions and processes, drive change and innovation, and solve complex and critical problems. 

  • High performance engineers are also influencers and leaders who can communicate effectively, collaborate with others, mentor and coach junior technologists, and represent the organisation in the technical community. 

  • Developing high performance engineers internally is a way to leverage the existing talent and potential of the organisation, and to create a pipeline of technical talent for the future. 

  • Developing high performance engineers internally is a way to foster a culture of engineering excellence, where technologists are motivated, engaged, and rewarded for their technical achievements and contributions. 

  • Developing high performance engineers internally is a way to bridge the gap between business and technology, where technologists understand the business context and needs, and can deliver solutions that add value and create competitive advantage. 

  • Developing high performance engineers internally is a way to enhance the technical maturity and capability of the organisation, where technologists adopt best practices, standards, and tools, and deliver high quality, efficient, and reliable software products. 

  • Developing high performance engineers internally is a way to reduce the cost and increase the value of technology, where technologists optimise the use of resources, minimise the dependency on external providers, and maximise the return on investment.