Ensuring You Capture the Financial Benefits of moving to Cloud

Your enterprise is looking for a cloud service model that offers install and run existing applications

Executive Summary

  • Your enterprise is looking for a cloud service model that offers install and run existing applications in the cloud. 

  • Running applications in your on-premises data center is expensive, not because of the hardware, but because of the extensive, expensive manual processes that are currently in place. 

  • Even simple things like patching, backup, or disaster recovery testing, take far too much time and are far too expensive on-premises. 

  • Google Cloud IaaS is a workload-optimized portfolio of services that addresses the needs of both digital-native and traditional enterprises. 

  • Whether you want to modernize the operations of your existing applications or develop new ones, Google Cloud IaaS provides you with the flexibility and choice to run your workloads on virtual machines, containers, or serverless platforms. 

  • You can also leverage Google's expertise and innovation in AI, machine learning, data analytics, and distributed computing to gain a competitive edge in your industry. 

  • Seamus Birch is a cloud acceleration expert, with extensive experience in improving the operational processes of technology teams, working in various banking and non-banking sectors, and delivering value to financial services firms including Scotiabank, RBC, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital. 

  • He has a proven track record of delivering successful cloud migration programs for various organizations, reducing IT operational costs, increasing customer satisfaction, and enhancing business agility and resiliency. 

  • We propose a pilot project to migrate 100 applications to Google Cloud IaaS, representing a range of effort to operate, and measure the impact on your infrastructure costs, IT efficiency, business performance, and user satisfaction. 

  • We estimate that the pilot project will cost $1.3 million** and take 12 months** to complete, and will result in a 50% reduction in infrastructure costs, a 40% improvement in IT efficiency, a 30% increase in business performance, and a 20% increase in user satisfaction. 

**Numbers for illustrative purposes only


Your enterprise is facing several challenges with your current on-premises data center, such as: 

  • High infrastructure costs: You are spending a lot of money on hardware, software, maintenance, power, cooling, and security for your data center, which reduces your profitability and limits your ability to invest in innovation. 

  • Low IT efficiency: You are relying on manual processes and legacy tools to manage your infrastructure, which consumes a lot of time and resources, and introduces human errors and delays. 

  • Poor business performance: You are experiencing frequent outages, performance issues, and security breaches, which affect your business continuity, customer loyalty, and regulatory compliance. 

  • Low user satisfaction: You are unable to meet the expectations and demands of your internal and external users, who want faster, easier, and more reliable access to your applications and data. 

You need a cloud service model that can address these challenges and enable you to run your existing applications in the cloud, without requiring significant changes or investments. 

Your Solution

We have the perfect solution for you: Google Cloud IaaS and Seamus Birch Solutions. 

Google Cloud IaaS is a workload-optimized portfolio of services that addresses the needs of both digital-native and traditional enterprises. Whether you want to modernize the operations of your existing applications or develop new ones, Google Cloud IaaS provides you with the flexibility and choice to run your workloads on virtual machines, containers, or serverless platforms. You can also leverage Google's expertise and innovation in AI, machine learning, data analytics, and distributed computing to gain a competitive edge in your industry. 

Seamus Birch is a cloud acceleration expert, with extensive experience in improving the operational processes of technology teams, working in various banking and non-banking sectors, and delivering value to financial services firms including Scotiabank, RBC, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital. He has a proven track record of delivering successful cloud migration programs for various organizations, reducing IT operational costs, increasing customer satisfaction, and enhancing business agility and resiliency. 

We propose a pilot project to migrate 100 applications to Google Cloud IaaS, representing a range of effort to operate, and measure the impact on your infrastructure costs, IT efficiency, business performance, and user satisfaction. We will use the following approach to execute the pilot project: 

  • Volume: We will set a target of migrating 20 applications per month, based on Seamus's previous experience at DB UK. We will use program governance to align on the speed of the program and monitor the progress and performance of the migration teams. 

  • Governance: We will split governance between those that can accelerate the program and those that are impacted by the program. We will create a steering committee composed of senior executives from your enterprise and cloud vendors, who will provide strategic direction, oversight, and sponsorship. We will also create a working group composed of representatives from security, HR, finance, global sourcing, and other relevant stakeholders, who will provide operational support, coordination, and communication. 

  • Understanding Ease-to-Operate: We will work with your security team to categorise your applications by the level of support effort to keep running. This will allow the pilot to contain a basket of applications that is reflective of your portfolio. 

  • Offer User Migration Options: We will work closely with the architects to ensure that duplicate systems are encouraged to retire rather than move. We will also offer users the option to migrate their applications to the cloud themselves, using a self-service portal and a standardized migration process. This will increase user satisfaction, adoption, and ownership of the cloud applications. 

  • Allocations: We will work closely with finance to agree on a process for the regular rebalancing of allocations as applications move to the cloud. We will ensure that the cloud costs are transparent, predictable, and fair, and that the savings from the cloud migration are reinvested in the program or other strategic initiatives. 

  • Vendor Contracts: We will work closely with global sourcing to review vendor contracts regarding dedicated hardware to ensure that your enterprise is not penalized for moving to the cloud. We will also negotiate the best terms and conditions for the cloud services, leveraging your enterprise's scale and reputation. 

  • Windows 365 Cloud PC: We will move everyone associated with the acceleration to be using Windows 365 Cloud PC for their desktop environment. This will enable them to access the cloud applications from any device, anywhere, and anytime, enhancing their productivity, mobility, and security. This will also require our team to offer "cloud desktop support" to the users, ensuring that they have a seamless and consistent user experience. 

Your Benefits

By migrating 100 applications to Google Cloud IaaS, you can expect to achieve the following benefits: 

  • Lower infrastructure costs: You can reduce your infrastructure costs by 50%, saving $2.5 million** per year, by eliminating the need to acquire and manage physical infrastructure, and instead paying only for the resources you use. 

  • Higher IT efficiency: You can improve your IT efficiency by 40%, saving $1 million** per year, by automating and simplifying your infrastructure management processes, and freeing up your IT staff to focus on innovation and other activities. 

  • Better business performance: You can increase your business performance by 30%, generating $3 million** per year, by enhancing your business resiliency, agility, and security, and delivering faster and more reliable services to your customers. 

  • Greater user satisfaction: You can increase your user satisfaction by 20%, retaining $1 million** per year, by meeting the expectations and demands of your internal and external users, and providing them with faster, easier, and more secure access to your applications and data. 

These benefits are based on the findings of a recent IDC white paper that explored the value and benefits of using Google Cloud IaaS for enterprise applications. The white paper was based on interviews with nine organizations that have migrated to Google Cloud IaaS and have experienced its impact on their IT operations, core businesses, and costs. You can read the full IDC white paper to learn more about the experiences and outcomes of these organizations. 

**Numbers for illustrative purposes only

Why us?

We are confident that you will not find a better offer than this in the market. We have the skills, experience, and passion to lead the cloud acceleration program at your enterprise, and deliver the best possible outcomes for your organization. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose us: 

  • We have a proven track record of delivering successful cloud migration programs for various organizations, both in the banking and non-banking sectors. We have reduced IT operational costs by up to 40%, increased customer satisfaction by up to 30%, and enhanced business agility and resiliency by up to 75%. 

  • We have a deep understanding of your business, your culture, and your environment. We have worked with your enterprise on several contracts over the years, delivering substantial value. We have also worked with your cloud vendors, Google and Microsoft, and have established strong relationships and trust with them. 

  • We have a visionary leadership, a brilliant strategy, and a superb execution. We have a clear vision of how the cloud can transform your infrastructure and your business. We have a sound strategy of how to migrate your applications to the cloud with minimal disruption and maximum benefit. We have a superb execution of how to deliver the cloud migration program with speed, quality, risk reduction, and cost optimization.