Bank Branch Co-Working

The unique opportunity of work from home and shrinking customer traffic 

Executive Summary

  • Working in the branch is a superior alternative to working from home for head office staff, as it offers several benefits for the Bank, its employees and its customers. 

  • Some of the benefits are: understanding of customer needs penetrating deeper into the Bank, more value from branch assets, positive publicity, and improved digital transformation. 

  • Some of the challenges are: managing branch capacity, ensuring security and compliance, providing adequate training and support, and addressing employee preferences and concerns. 

  • Seamus Birch Solutions is a leading management consultancy firm that specializes in helping banks optimize their branch network and workforce. 

  • We have extensive experience and expertise in designing and implementing branch-based work models, as well as facilitating change management and stakeholder engagement. 

  • We can help the Bank achieve its goals of enhancing customer satisfaction, employee engagement, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage. 


Working in the branch is a novel and innovative way of leveraging the Bank's existing assets and resources to create a win-win situation for the Bank, its employees and its customers. Compared to working in the office or working from home, working in the branch offers several advantages and disadvantages that need to be carefully considered and addressed. 

  • Head office staff will be around customers for the first time, allowing them to better understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of the people they serve. This will enable them to design and deliver more customer-centric products and services, as well as to provide more empathetic and effective customer service. 

  • The Bank will be able to squeeze more value out of the branch assets it already has, by utilizing the unused or underused space and equipment for head office staff. This will reduce the overhead costs of maintaining a large head office, as well as the environmental impact of commuting and travel. 

  • Working in the branch will provide a third option in the office vs home debate, which has been polarizing and divisive for many employees and managers. Some employees may prefer the flexibility and convenience of working from home, while others may miss the social interaction and collaboration of working in the office. Working in the branch will offer a balance of both, as well as a sense of belonging and community. 

  • The Bank will be able to generate some exciting headlines and positive publicity by being one of the first banks to adopt this innovative work model. This will enhance the Bank's reputation as a forward-thinking and customer-focused organization, as well as attract and retain talent and customers. 

  • The Bank's digital team will better understand the scope of the work they have left to do, by being exposed to the realities and challenges of the branch operations and customer interactions. This will help them prioritize and accelerate the digital transformation of the Bank, as well as identify and resolve any gaps or issues. 

Why us?

Seamus Birch Solutions is a leading management consultancy firm that specializes in helping banks optimize their branch network and workforce. We have extensive experience and expertise in designing and implementing branch-based work models, as well as facilitating change management and stakeholder engagement. We can help the Bank achieve its goals of enhancing customer satisfaction, employee engagement, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage by providing the following services: 

  • Branch network analysis and optimization: We will conduct a comprehensive and data-driven analysis of the Bank's branch network, to identify the optimal locations, sizes, and configurations of the branches, as well as the optimal allocation and distribution of the head office staff across the branches. 

  • Branch-based work model design and implementation: We will design a customized and scalable branch-based work model for the Bank, based on the best practices and lessons learned from other banks and industries that have adopted similar work models. We will also provide the necessary guidance and support for the implementation of the work model, including the development of the policies, procedures, systems, and tools. 

  • Change management and stakeholder engagement: We will facilitate the smooth and successful transition to the branch-based work model, by managing the change process and engaging the key stakeholders, including the senior management, the branch and head office staff, the customers, and the regulators. We will also monitor and evaluate the impact and outcomes of the work model, and provide the feedback and recommendations for improvement. 

We are confident that we can help the Bank achieve its vision of enabling its head office staff to work in the branch, and create a competitive edge in the banking industry. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing this proposal in more detail. 


  • The Bank will need to manage the branch capacity and allocation of head office staff, to ensure that there is enough space and equipment for both branch and head office staff, as well as for customers. This will require careful planning and coordination, as well as the use of technology and data to monitor and optimize the branch utilization and performance. 

  • The Bank will need to ensure the security and compliance of the branch-based work model, to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the Bank's and customers' data and transactions. This will require the implementation of strict policies and procedures, as well as the provision of secure and reliable IT infrastructure and systems. 

  • The Bank will need to provide adequate training and support for both branch and head office staff, to enable them to work effectively and efficiently in the branch environment. This will require the development and delivery of relevant and engaging learning and development programs, as well as the establishment and maintenance of clear and consistent communication and feedback channels. 

  • The Bank will need to address the employee preferences and concerns regarding working in the branch, to ensure that they are motivated and satisfied with the work model. This will require the involvement and consultation of the employees and their representatives, as well as the recognition and reward of their contributions and achievements.